Дружбы, радости и смеха,
Новых знаний, сил, успеха,
Жизни в счастье и в ладу,
Мы Вам искренне желаем
В наступающем году!

С любовью во Христе Иисусе,
Сергей, Лена, Рут и Сара

ICY-DAY in Mariupol

Hello dear friends,

The winter has already arrived. Here in Mariupol we did not see any snow yet.

But yesterday was ICY DAY! The whole city was like a big skating-ring. It was dangerous day for adults and drivers. But children and teenagers were happy this day. See pictures below.

Our family autumn update

Hello dear friends,

The second month of the Autumn is coming to its end. Soon this year will also be finished.

Everyday we feel that time is very important and valuable resource. And we should carefully and wisely use it.

You wonder what happens in our family life since the last time we wrote to you.

Now Lena stays at home again. This summer and almost 2 months in the Autumn she worked at the kindergarten. It was good experience for her. But for winter period and perhaps for one year we decided that Lena stayed home. She still will be supported by our government for one year taking care for Sarah. Also one of us need more time in order to start preparation of Ruth fro school. It means to teach her reading, writing, mathematics. Besides that Ruth attends music classes. This is also consumes time. And I am glad that my wife Lena can help me with that.

I am busy working now for my company and plus I have extra job that helps us survive. The situation is unstable in our country, prices are rising day by day. I would like to do some ministry in the church. But I cannot , because of regular work. I have to serve and provide my family first of all.

They need me now very much. And I may say that is not very easy ministry. Especially my daughters miss me very much when I am absent.

You can see how they grew up since the last time I showed pictures of them.

Lena and I praise God for them. We want them to love God and trust him with all their hearts.

Sarah and Ruth like to play together. Sarah is growing and becomes more interesting for Ruth.

Lena and I continue to pray for God’s direction for our family. We are ready to go where God wants us to be. We always had desire to live and serve in he foreign culture. And we are preparing for he moment when we will have to leave for.

If you can please remember us in your prayers. We need encouragement and support.

May God bless you all richly.

Love in Christ,

Sergey & Lena.

Autumn 2007 in Mariupol city

Hello our dear friends,

We want to show you a part of Autumn Mariupol city where we live in.

This is a Park that is 7 min walk from my office. I love to spend time there during my lunch time.
This is the biggest covered stadium in Ukraine.


Настоящим экологическим бедствием назвали ситуацию, которая не так давно сложилась на Азовском побережье. В самом начале курортного сезона на берег выбросило большое количество мелководной рыбы. Звучало несколько версий инцидента. В поисках правды, а также прогнозов дальнейшего развития ситуации проводились параллельные исследования.

Мнений и версий много, но давайте обратимся к официальным источникам, контролирующим санитарное состояние побережья. Сан.эпидем.станция п.Седово (тел.:8(296)3-17-58), благодаря проведенной экспертизе установила, что море в черте населенного пункта не содержит опасных химических элементов, и пригодно для приема отдыхающих.

Учитывая такое заключение, самой правдоподобной версией случившегося остается температура воздуха и солнечная активность в данный период. Именно эти факторы способствовали стремительному росту температуры морской воды, несовместимой с жизнедеятельностью некоторых видов рыб. Трагедия совпала с нерестом, проходящим в этот период у морского бычка. Большие косяки рыбы были вынуждены мигрировать через многочисленные мели, вода в которых была похожа скорее на закипающую уху, чем на теплое летнее море. Специалисты утверждают, что ситуация нормализовалась, а температура воды постепенно приближается к принятой в это время отметке. Но пляжи по-прежнему находятся в запустении.

Представители отелей и пансионатов принимают все меры, чтобы вернуть отдыхающих на побережье. Пляж и море возле гостиничного комплекса «Гелиос» (п.Седово) полностью очищены и готовы к приезду отдыхающих. Администрация комплекса надеется, что, не смотря на такое начало сезона и создавшуюся панику, люди, желающие отдохнуть на побережье с комфортом, прислушаются к официальным источникам и берег теплого Азовского моря снова заживет своей привычной активной жизнью: звонкими детскими голосами, горячими курортными романами и уютными семейными вечерами…


Экологическая ситуация в Мариуполе и Азовском море критическая!

Бактериальные показатели воды в Азовском море от 10 до 1 тыс. раз превышают допустимые нормы
Бактериальные показатели воды в Азовском море в районе Мариуполя от 10 до 1 тыс раз превышают допустимые нормы. Об этом сообщил главный санитарный врач Мариуполя Георгий Гусаков.
«Бактериальные показатели воды в Азовском море от 10 до 1000 раз превышают допустимые нормы», - сказал Гусаков.
По его словам, уже издано распоряжение, запрещающее купание и пребывание на городском пляже, в том числе и на Песчаном. «Запрет введен с 6 июня и будет действовать до нормализации обстановки», - отметил он.
Сколько на это потребуется времени, никто не знает. Более того, специалисты до сих пор не могут однозначно сказать: почему гибнет рыба, пишет издание.

Источник: ilyichevets.com.ua

В городе продолжают регистрироваться случаи сальмонеллеза.

На прошлой неделе он подтвержден у 6 человек. Опрос специалистов санэпидслужбы выявил что, больные сальмонеллезом 85,7% употребляли в пищу сырые яйца, яйца в виде глазуньи и всмятку. Фактором передачи послужило яйцо без достаточной термической обработки. Больные приобретали яйца на рынках города и в местах стихийной торговли.
Самым важным условием для профилактики сальмонеллеза является термическая обработка продуктов птицеводства и животноводства:
- яйцо следует варить не меньше 10 минут от момента закипания воды,
- от яичницы глазуньи и употребления сырых яиц следует отказаться полностью,
- проваривать мясо, мясные продукты необходимо не менее 2,5 часов и небольшими кусками,
- использовать для уборки кухни моющие средства с дезинфектантом,
- кухонную ветошь стирать и сушить после каждого приготовления пищи,
- мыть руки после посещения туалета и перед приготовлением еды.
Всего за последнюю неделю с 1 по 7 июня в городе было зарегистрировано 42 случая заболевания острыми кишечными инфекциями, показатель на 100 тыс. население составил 8,3, что ниже предыдущей недели на 27,6%, ниже среднемноголетнего уровня на 7,8%.
Заболеваемость выше аналогичной недели прошлого года на 45,6%.
Источник: marsovet.org.ua
Our dear friends in Christ,

Hope you still remember our family. How are you doing? We wonder what God does in your lives. It’s very existing and encouraging for us to read and hear testimonies of other Christians.
So we appreciate if you find time to share with us about your life. Please write to s_hedgehog@inbox.ru

Before we receive news from you we are going to share about our life.

In general no big changes did not happen since the beginning of the year 2007.

Since the moment we moved to Mariupol it seems like we stepped in the long term prayer time and preparation before next big ministry. In July, 17, 2007 it’s going to be 2-nd year since we are here.

So what we are doing now:

I continue to work for the same Import & Export company as an International Logistics Manager. I continue to praise God for the company he gave me.
I am glad that Gods uses me here to share Gospel. As a result one my colleague accepted Jesus into her heart. Her name is Lena. She is married and has one daughter She started to go to our church. I see how God changes her and she asks me many questions.
So please support Lena in your prayers for her growth in Christ and her family too.

And the same time, I do extra job to “survive” in Mariupol city. Because the life in Mariupol is more expensive than in Rivne and especially it was difficult this winter when the prices for utilities raised very much. So from the beginning of this year I started to give English lessons. In In the evenings after work during the week I teach Business English to my colleague from my Department and plus general English to other students.
Frankly speaking it was my first serious experience in teaching English. First it was quite difficult, but the more lessons I give the more I enjoy a process of teaching. Before I used to do only translations: oral or written. Perhaps this skill will be useful in the future for God’s ministry. By the way I created blog “English for everyone” (http://www.primaenglish.blogspot.com/). You may use it.

Besides , recently my wife found out about free vacancy in the kindergarten where our Ruth goes. The nurse was needed there. We decided to apply and Lena was accepted. Now we are busy preparing necessary paperwork. It was difficult step for us, because our Sarah is quite small. She is only 1 year and 5 months. We planned to give her to the kindergarten at the same age as Ruth (3 years old). But God must be have his own plan.
Though we decided to accept this position only if Lena and Sara will be in the same kindergarten. In order Lena could look after her during the day. And our condition was accepted. Praise the Lord! But at the same time as we have a big headache: doctors examination of Lena and Sarah, necessary vaccination etc. It takes time.

This year except kindergarten we enrolled our Ruth to extra classes: dancing, piano, choir. At the end of May she took part in closing concert before summer holidays. Ruth was dancing this time. She did very well. We were proud of her.
Her teacher of music said that Ruth has a good potential in playing the piano. She says that Ruth learns quickly.
Our Sarah is very energetic child. She is much more active than Ruth at her age. Usually Lena gets exhausted by the end of the day. She is a little trouble maker.:)

So it seems like we live regular Christian life: earning money, spending time with our family, fellowship with neighbors, church people and others. By the way on May 26 we celebrated 6th anniversary of our marriage.

And frankly speaking it’s also a blessed period of time and we enjoy it too. As I understood sometimes to be a Christian and act as a Christian in everyday life situation is harder than to serve in the church or on mission field. But at the same time we always feel a call that one day we will go to another foreign country, another nation anyway.
You know about our desire to be missionaries in the foreign country. We still do not know in what country. So doing our daily routine we keep our vision and goal before our eyes. And everyday we do our best to prepare for the day when God would say to us: “Now it’s time to go!” This goal supports very much and gives us strength to live everyday fully.

What about church life? We regular visit Sunday meetings. Sometimes take part in church activities during the week. Last Saturday I worked in the church helping other to do different physical work. This year our church will celebrate 70th anniversary. So we have a lot of things to do. We are expecting many guests and even team of Christians from Sweden is going to come.
After celebration this team together with team from our church is going to Russia for mission trip. Everything is going to happen in July 2007.

At present our senior pastor and his wife is on 2 months mission trip in the Middle Asia, at Pamir. He is going to be here for Church anniversary and after that he will lead the group to Russia, Kalmykia. He is hardworking man.

That’s shortly about our family life.

Can we use this chance to ask to pray for:

Our future mission trip and ministry
Target country where to start this ministry
For spiritual growth of our family
For my colleague Lena grow in Christ and for the rest her family members to know Jesus.
God use us for many other people’s salvation in Mariupol.
For salvation of our relatives.
For good physical conditions of all members of our family.
For financial provision of all our needs (one of them is house repair)

Thank you in advance for spending time for our family in prayer.
May God bless you richly.

Looking forward to hear from you!

Love in Christ,

Sergey, Lena, Ruth & Sarah

Ruth's Birthday. May 6, 2007

Hello our dear friends!

It was long time since we wrote last time.

This month we celebrated fifth birthday of our older daughter Ruth

We have some pictures of it!


New Year - New start!

Hello everyone!

Today is January 19th 2007. Epiphany (Крещение) - the last Ukrainain Christmas holiday.

Hope all our Ukrainian friends had a good time and rest during this Christmas season.

I want to share shortly about what happened in our life this month.

1. The last day of the year 2006, December 31 on Sunday our family was proclaimed as full members of the church we used to go last year. This is a Evangelic church. Pastor - Franchuk Vladimir Ivanovich.

2. From the first days of January our younger daughter Sarah started to walk. Before she could do only one-two steps herself without any support. We are very happy for her!

3. January 17th, 2007 our older daughter Ruth accepted Jesus into her heart. She got sick and she was staying home one week. On Wednesday she started a talk with my wife Lena: where we go after we die, how to get to heaven.... And Lena explained how and she agreed to accept Jesus into her heart. I was at the office at that moment. After their prayer my wife Lena called me and told me about it. We were both happy for Ruth. Praise the Lord! This is how easy for a child to believe Jesus.

That's all for this momment.

Our prayer requests:

1. Please pray for God's direction for our family this year. We want God to confirm His will for us this year.

2. We want to know our God better this year, brush and strenghen our relationships as husband and wife , parents and children, make biblical order in our family in all areas of our life.

3. I need computer at home to earn an extra money. So as prices for utilities and for everything are rising very high, but my salary is not raised so quickly. This situation leads to debt. That's why this year I have to do an extra job so as Lena cannot work now. I am going to teach English at home or provide Consulting on Foreign Activity and International Logistics. Please support us in this prayer need too.

Thank you very much.
Love in Christ,
Sergey, Lena, Ruth and Sarah

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